"Sphere" lights up Denman Prospect
“Sphere” is a strikingly bold 4.5 metre high COR-TEN® steel structure, weighing in at 3 and a half tonnes. It will be illuminated at night, forming a stunning entry to Denman Prospect and a sentinel for visitors and residents.
Mr Plickat visited Denman Prospect to supervise the installation of the rusted steel sculpture. He has contributed to more than 250 exhibitions in many parts of the world. More than 60 monumental works by Jörg Plickat are installed in public areas and churches around the world, and he has received many prizes and awards for his works.
The “Sphere”, unveiled on Friday, October 7th by Terry Snow, Executive Director of Capital Estate Developments, is the first of a number of pieces of outstanding public art which will be installed in significant locations throughout Denman Prospect.

Capital Estate Developments Executive Chairman Terry Snow with sculptor Jorg Plickat.