We’re planting more trees in Denman Prospect

We’re planting more trees in Denman Prospect

We’re planting more trees in Denman Prospect

27 September 2024

We’re collaborating with ACT Government to undertake a street tree planting program in established areas of Denman Prospect this spring. As part of this initiative, we’re re-planting approximately 250 trees across the estate that have either been damaged or missing. 

When and where will the trees be planted?

The program will be carried out in two stages over spring 2024 and autumn 2025.

The first stage of the program is scheduled from 8 October to 18 October, with the remainder of replacement trees to be planted in early 2025.

The tree replanting program will target established streets and parks in Denman Prospect.

 Why are trees being planted?

Trees are being planted to replace trees that have died, been damaged, or are missing in the streetscape. We understand that trees are a precious community asset, which is why we're facilitating the program alongside ACT Government.

Trees contribute to cooling populated areas, cleaning our air, improving the livability of our streetscapes and parklands, providing habitat for local wildlife and enhancing community wellbeing. The replacement program will also assist the ACT Government to achieve its 30% canopy cover target by 2045 in line with Canberra’s Living Infrastructure Plan.

What types of trees will be planted?

A mix of deciduous and native trees have been selected to be planted throughout the estate for diversity and to enhance our neighbourhood and contribute to ecological benefits for wildlife and pollinators. 

Replacement trees have been chosen in collaboration with ACT Government to be the same or closely match the original tree species planted at Denman Prospect.

The tree species mix includes the following:

  • Populus simonii - Fastigiata
  • Prunus cerasifera - Oakville Crimson Spire
  • Allocasuarina Littoralis - Black Sheoak
  • Populus simonii Fastigiata
  • Quercus robur Fastigiata
  • Acer truncatum x A. platanoides Warrenred
  • Pyrus calleryana - Cleveland Select
  • Pyrus calleryana - Red Spire
  • Brachychiton populneus – Kurrajong
  • Quercus coccinea - Scarlet Oak
  • Quercus palustris - Pin Oak
  • Crataegus laevigata - Paul's Scarlet
  • Malus floribunda - Japanese Crabapple
  • Acerxfreemanii Jeffersred - Maple Autumn Blaze
  • Prunus campanulata 'Rubra' - Taiwan Cherry
  • Brachychiton populneus - Bottle Tree
  • Populus simonii Fastigiata
  • Acer buergerianum - Trident Maple
  • Gleditsia Triacanthos - Sunburst
  • Quercus ilex - Holly Oak
  • Quercus rubra - Red Oak

Which trees are being replaced?

The street tree replacement program covers audited trees on public land. All trees on public land are protected under the Urban Forest Act 2023 (the Act).

The ACT Government and Capital Estate Developments will continue to manage trees on public land. This includes new plantings, inspection and pruning of trees, and the removal and replacement of dead or hazardous trees.

How can I find out more about the program?

For specific enquiries regarding the tree placement program, please contact community@denmanprospect.com.au.

For all other enquiries, please use the Fix My Street online tool that lets you report an issue to City Services for attention.